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Now for some information regarding perfumes.

• The shelf life of most perfume, from production date, and if stored properly, is maximum of 3 to 5 years.

• Perfumes with higher content of essential oils have a longer shelf life. Essential oils contain no fatty acids, and are not susceptible to rancidity like vegetable oils.

• Perfumes made with quality ingredients will last longer.

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Many imitation perfumes have exactly the same designer’s name, almost identical labels, boxes, bottles and very similar scents! So how would you tell that the designer’s perfume that you’re about to purchase is genuine? It’s really not that easy since counterfeiters have become masters of their crime with the aid of modern digital imaging and printing techniques. They are capable of producing almost identical replicas of all the major leading perfume brands on the market today. As a consumer you may never really know, until you experience the actual fragrance which may be close to but not exactly as it should. You'll discover that the perfume does NOT last as long, perhaps as little as one hour instead of half a day or longer as is the case with original designer perfume.

Where and How to Apply Perfume

Scent clings best to moist/humid skin, so apply perfume to your pulse points which are the areas on your skin where blood flow is the strongest and the skin is the warmest: to the inside of your wrists, back of your knees, around your ankles, neck, behind your ears, between your breasts, and inside your elbows. You can also spray and walk into your fragrance.

Never rub perfume because that crushes the molecules of the fragrance and ruins the scent.

For a lighter scent, spray the outside of your hand instead of the inside if your wrist.

For a subtle perfuming of your hair and clothing, spray your perfume in the air and then walk through it. If you prefer a lighter overall smell and not concentrated on one part of your body, this may be the method for you (especially wonderful for a social event where there will be lots of people).

How to Make the Scent Last Longer

If you have dry skin, apply perfume more often.

Applying petroleum jelly to areas where you will be applying perfume will give the scent something to cling to.

Apply your fragrance low on the body so that the scent rises and it won’t be lost as quickly.

Apply perfume immediately after your shower, as open pores and warm skin will soak up the scent, as long you haven’t used deodorant soap.

If your scent has faded after a few hours, rub the once scented area to reactive the scent.

Layering your fragrance will help make your scent last longer. If the scent you use has a matching bath gel, moisturizer or powder, those can be used before you apply the actual fragrance.

How to Store Perfume

Perfume does deteriorate, and the time period depends on the temperature, light and length of storage.

Extreme heat and direct sunlight can break down the components of most fragrances so keep all fragrances in a cool dry area and away from windows. Perfume should be stored at room temperature out of direct sunlight and away from extreme heat sources. Perfume should not be kept in the refrigerator.

On average, the shelf life for a fragrance is 3 to 5 years; for pure perfumes it is much less.

Interesting to Note

As we age, our skin reacts differently to scent so that a favorite perfume may not smell the same. Also our sense of smell diminishes and we cannot always accurately gauge whether we are wearing too much fragrance. Less is more, so keep that in mind!

Fragrance Notes

Perfume is described in a musical metaphor as having three notes, making the harmonious chord of the scent. The notes unfold over time, with the immediate impression of the top note leading to the deeper middle notes, and the base notes gradually appearing as the final stage. These notes are created carefully with knowledge of the evaporation process of the perfume.

Top notes: The scents that are perceived immediately on application of a perfume. Top notes consist of small, light molecules that evaporate quickly. They form a person's initial impression of a perfume and thus are very important in the selling of a perfume. The compounds that contribute to top notes are strong in scent, very volatile, and evaporate quickly. Citrus and ginger scents are common top notes. They are also called the head notes and usually last about five minutes.

Middle notes: The scent of a perfume that emerges after the top notes dissipate. The middle note compounds form the heart or main body of a perfume and are usually more mellow and rounded. Lavender and rose scents are typical middle notes. They are also called the heart notes and typically last about 10 to 60 minutes.

Base notes: The scent of a perfume that appears after the departure of the middle notes. The base and middle notes together are the main theme of a perfume. Base notes bring depth and solidity to a perfume and consist of large, heavy molecules that evaporate slowly. Compounds of this class of scents are typically rich and deep and are usually not perceived until 30 minutes after the application of the perfume or during the period of perfume drydown.

Drydown: As a fragrance’s more volatile components – the topnotes and midnotes – evaporate, the endnotes linger and carry the body of the fragrance. All fragrances change as they dry down, and all fragrances are affected by each person's unique skin chemistry, but the fragrance should remain true in character. Perfumers use fixatives (aromatic ingredients that fix or prolong scent) in the drydown to ensure a scent's longevity.

Concentration levels

The concentration by percent/volume of perfume oil is as follows:

Perfume extract: 20%-50% aromatic compounds

Eau de parfum: 10-30% aromatic compounds

Eau de toilette: 5-20% aromatic compounds
Eau de cologne:  2-5% aromatic compounds

As the percentage of aromatic compounds decreases, so does the intensity and longevity of the scent created. Different perfumeries or perfume houses assign different amounts of oils to each of their perfumes. Therefore, although the oil concentration of a perfume in eau de parfum (EDP) dilution will be higher than the same perfume in eau de toilette (EDT) form within the same range, the actual amounts can vary between perfume houses. An EDT from one house may be stronger than an EDP from another. Eau de cologne (EDC) was originally created in Cologne, Germany as a weak concentration fragrance of a citrus nature but in recent decades has become the generic term for a weakly concentrated perfume of any kind.

Use of Perfume

Perfume has been around since the time of Ancient Egyptians and the first named perfume, Bouquet a la Marichal, arrived on the commercial market in 1675. Perfume is a personal way to communicate one’s sensuality and attractiveness. It is an integral part of one’s personality as much as one’s type of skin, voice or smile. A special touch of fragrance can make an unforgettable impression on others. Perfume is worn for a variety of different reasons. To attract and seduce the opposite sex; to
improve one’s mood or state of mind; to boost one’s level of self confidence; to refresh and energize, etc.

Fragrance smells different on different people. This can be due to body chemistry, condition of the skin, the individual’s diet, medication, lifestyle, stress, and the environment in which we live.

You may not be aware of your fragrance after a while but that is because the sense of smell becomes quickly fatigued. After a period of smelling anything, including your fragrance, you become used to it and may not be able to smell it. Typically it takes our nose about five minutes to get used to a scent after which time the brain no longer registers it. The scent is still there and is easily detectable to other people. The length of time that fragrances remains on the skin varies from person to person. A typical fragrance will last at least four hours, so it’s perfectly acceptable to reapply once during the day and again in the evening.

Your perfume can influence your mood. Some studies show the impact scents have on moods may come partly from memories they invoke.

Fragrance Facts